4 July 2019

The Guardian: 'A bad trip': Jair Bolsonaro's first six months leave even the right dismayed

Opinion polls show Bolsonaro’s approval ratings have plunged since his 1 January inauguration with 32% of Brazilians now considering his government bad or awful compared with 11% when he took power. [...]

“It is the worst start to a presidency since the return of democracy [in 1990],” said Mauro Paulino, the director of Datafolha, one of Brazil’s top pollsters. “A lot would depend on the opponent … but if there was another election today, I don’t think he would be re-elected.” [...]

Bolsonaro still enjoys considerable support, as demonstrated by two recent pro-government rallies. According to polls, 32% of Brazilians believe their leader is on the right track, with supporters crediting Bolsonaro for a fall in the number of homicides and a recently struck trade deal between the EU and the South American trade bloc to which Brazil belongs.[...]

Edson Salomão, a founder of the Direita São Paulo (Rightwing São Paulo) group, gave Bolsonaro an even sunnier report card, though he struggled, when asked, to list the main achievements of his first six months in office.

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