23 August 2017

SciShow Psych: Why Do We Talk to Ourselves?

Do you mumble to yourself while looking for your keys, or pump yourself up in the morning with a bathroom mirror pep talk? It may actually be helpful—but only if you do it right.

Vox: The racist history of US immigration policy (Jan 15, 2016)

Banning an entire racial or ethnic group from entering the US isn't new, and the data shows it. 

Vox's Alvin Chang explains. For his full interactive map of the data: http://www.vox.com/2016/1/4/10709366/...

It is immigrants, and their descendants, who largely make up today's US population. European immigrants were the first and largest group to arrive, and there were subsequent policies that made it much easier for people from those countries to come to the US. That said, a decent numbers of Canadian and Chinese immigrants also arrived early in this country's history, and over the years, different policies allowed greater numbers of Hispanics and Asians to immigrate.

Read the full article and view the interactive at: http://www.vox.com/2016/1/4/10709366/...