17 July 2016

Independent: Nice is a very different city to Paris or Lyon – and a clever choice for igniting race war

The 13 November attacks in Paris were, in a sense, misleading. They needed considerable logistics and planning. The real war now facing the west – not just France – has been openly boasted of by Isis leaders. It involves random and scarcely planned attacks on Europe as the “soft belly” of the West by individuals inspired, but only loosely guided, by the jihadist gospel of hatred and revenge.

The aim has also been clearly stated: to provoke a white backlash against the Muslim populations of Europe, starting with the 4.7m Muslims in France. This will in turn, Isis believes, recruit many more young Muslims to its cause. [...]

Paris and Brussels are cosmopolitan, leftish-leaning, open-minded cities. Nice is by far the most right-wing of the large towns and cities in France, a bastion of the hardest-edged version of Nicolas Sarkozy’s centre right and also of the far right Front National.

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