Currently the states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are permanently hogging what most believe to be the best school holiday summer slots – between the end of July and the start of September. The other states are locked into a strict rotation system running from June to September.
The system was introduced decades ago to ensure that the country’s infrastructure did not grind to a halt as it might if everyone decided to hit the autobahns, railways and airports at once. The rotation system is also meant to ensure a spread of holidaymakers across the season at hotels and holiday resorts, so that the economic benefit of the Sommerferien-Korridor – or summer holiday corridor – is maximised. [...]
Hamburg has accused the states of egotism and said it will lead the way in deciding in future on its own summer break dates. It is urging other states to follow. Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin have said they are prepared to do the same.
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