19 August 2019

Today in Focus: Meghan: why all the hate against the Duchess of Sussex?

The outpouring of bile against the Duchess of Sussex has been impossible to miss in recent weeks, whether it is stories of her contributing to human rights abuses through eating avocados, or opinion pieces criticising her for guest editing Vogue or being ‘snobbish’. But many commentators have noted another tone to some of the criticism, one of misogyny and racism.

Victoria Murphy has been covering the young royals for years and joins Anushka Asthana to discuss how Meghan has adapted to life in Britain and the royal family. She points to a rich history of intense tabloid criticism that most members of the monarchy have been through in recent years.

Also today: Malachi O’Doherty, the author of Fifty Years On, argues that despite the turmoil of the past half a century, Northern Ireland should not be defined by the Troubles.

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