The showdown highlights the importance of Pennsylvania to the presidential race in 2020 — and the determination of Trump's reelection team to quash any potential dissension within the party heading into next year. Trump’s aides have intervened in a number of states besides Pennsylvania toward that end. [...]
If Trump's team is successful in both electing Comfort and uniting the party, it would be a major victory. But the campaign is taking a risk by jumping into the race. If Comfort loses, Trump’s aides will have to work with a party chairman they actively opposed. And despite their best efforts, the election is exposing old divides within the state party. [...]
The race has also pitted two of the party's donors against each other. Wagner, who is behind Tabas, shot off an email to supporters assailing the pro-Comfort Republican National Committee member Bob Asher for "working the phones calling people to influence who becomes the next party chairman," and saying his "politics have left our party bitterly fractured and highly dysfunctional." Wagner is calling for Asher to be removed from his position in the party.
Let's see how it plays out.