Despite its reputation, the Spree isn’t actually all that dirty - at least most of the time. When the river enters the capital its waters are so clean that you can go for a dip without worrying about your health, Edler's organization, Flussbad Berlin, claims.
The problems start inside the city, or more specifically, when it starts to rain in the city. Around 15 times a year, heavy rainfall overloads the city’s 19th century “mixed” drainage system. The sewage and rainwater which normally head towards sewage facilities overflow into the river, spewing faeces, detergents and tampons into the river. [...]
To this end, the city is generously backing the Flussbad Berlin project with €4 million to help it realize its aim. Berlin politicians are taking the project so seriously that it was written into the coalition treaty when a new city government was formed in 2016. [...]
Agreeing on access points to the water has been one major sticking point. At first the plan foresaw a wide set of steps at the Lustgarten park. But this plan was nixed by the city’s Monuments Authority which raised objections including that the swimming area would lead to overcrowding in the historical 19th century park.
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