Corbyn 2.0 had a revolutionary plan. Talk in plain English. Keep things short and sweet. Stick to one subject. Don’t attempt the impossible of thinking on his feet. And ask the questions that everyone in the country wanted answered. He began by highlighting the government’s divisions on Brexit. Did she agree with her foreign secretary that her favoured “customs partnership” arrangement was crazy?
The prime minister couldn’t cope. May has been through several iterations of her own – no one is entirely sure if we are currently at Maybot 5.0 or Maybot 6.0 – but she has yet to find a system that is passably functional. Rather it seems that each upgrade only serves to further weaken her. Even though Boris Johnson’s contributions to cabinet collective responsibility had been front page news for a couple of days, she was totally taken aback by the question. [...]
Boris Johnson had managed to prove his loyalty to May by refraining from heckling her – being so jet-lagged he could hardly keep his eyes open must have helped – but once she had left the chamber it was his turn at the dispatch box to explain how his one-man mission to nominate Donald Trump for the Nobel peace prize had ended with the US president canning the Iran nuclear deal. It wasn’t his finest hour, but even he seemed surprised that so many of his own MPs, including former defence secretary Michael Fallon, were so quick to hail Trump’s genius. With just a hint of Boris being in charge, the lunatics really are taking over the asylum.
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