27 September 2017

Financial Times: Germany’s election results in charts and maps

More than 1m voters shifted away from the CDU/CSU parties to the AfD — but even more went to the FDP. 

The SPD lost votes in nearly equal measure to the FDP, the Left, the Greens and the AfD.  The AfD was the big winner, drawing votes from all the big parties, especially the CDU/CSU bloc. Even more important, though, was its ability to mobilise previously disengaged voters and those who before voted for minor parties.

The FDP was the main beneficiary of the swing away from the CDU/CSU parties, while the Left offset losses to the AfD with gains from the SPD elsewhere. The Greens benefited from the decline of the SPD. [...]

Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research, DIW said: “The SPD has lost its classic working-class voters and this explains its constant struggle in the past elections.”   

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