31 May 2017

VICE: We Asked Couples Why They Opened Up Their Relationship

One in five Americans recently reported that at some point in their dating or married lives, they'd been in an open relationship. But what does it really mean to be open? And how does this conversation come about? Surely it's not as easy as pausing Netflix and asking, "so, um, you want to see other people?" [...]

Kasara: It took a while for me to realize this, but I'm not a monogamous person. I've always been able to have feelings for other people. I don't think jealously should be perpetuated as the norm in relationships, as it is with monogamy.
Chris: I have a similar mindset. We never place limits on emotions other than love, like we don't say you can only be sad or happy about this one thing, but with monogamy it's like only one person is allowed to feel your love. And love is such a crazy emotion, so why not experience it with a bunch of people? Polyamory is OK, guys! We're not all weird. [...]

Daniel: About five years ago, my ex-wife told me she had fallen in love with another man. But she taught me the most profound lesson: no matter who you are, your partner could wake up one day and not be in love with you anymore. And that's no one's fault. I realized that my next relationship needed to be open because I no longer have the desire to control my partner. Control is just an illusion anyway.

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