China is influencing democratization in the world, but thedemocracies themselves are focusing increasingly on security. Theyare showing a priority for security over human rights. Globalterrorism has made democracy more challenging. [...]
I didn’t speak to many people here, but it seems that people herefeel that democracy in the country is in decline. Maybe becausetoday there is less pressure from international players to behavedemocratically. If politicians once took that pressure into account,today the global norms have changed. There’s less push fordemocracy all over the world. That’s how I’d explain what’shappening in Israel. It’s a global trend. [...]
On the positive side. You have a parliament, there are Arab partiesand Arab citizens who can vote, and you have a constitutional court.On the other hand, there are more problematic issues relating tohuman rights that stem mainly from the balance between religionand state. The connection between Israel and a Jewish state makesit problematic. I’m not sure it’s possible to be a democracy whenthere’s a Jewish state: Religion creates a separationist system, andthat’s dangerous. Do you know the French term laicite?
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