18 March 2017

Katoikos: What makes a man? His penis or his soul?

A bright orange bus emblazoned with an anti-transgender message has been forced off the roads in Spain, after activists, trade unions, and Madrid City Council united against it. The slogan on the bus read: “Boys have penises, girls have vulvas. Do not be fooled.”

A Catholic group, Hazte Oir, had planned to take it on a nationwide tour of Spanish cities. The group said the ban was illegal and that it planned to acquire a new bus.

A similar message on the side of the banned bus states: “If you are born a man, you are a man. If you are a woman, you will continue to be one.” [...]

Isn’t this precisely because we see ourselves as more than just animals, more than any other “creatures” under the heavens? In fact, it was religion that made us believe that we were God’s favourite, chosen ones.

Yet ironically, there are Catholics that insist on identifying and categorising people strictly on the basis of biology and anatomy. I am confused. [...]

People who suppress their true selves or sexualities and choose to remain celibate in order to please their imagined version of “God”, or those who stay in sexless, loveless marriages out of convenience or fear of breaking societal taboos, have nothing to teach me about love and sex.

They are far more “twisted” than any gay or transgender individual, simply because they are the ones who go against their true nature. And I do not believe that they should be allowed to set the rules for everyone else to follow.

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