18 June 2016

Deutsche Welle: Political art group sets up Roman-style arena for refugees to be devoured by tigers

Outside the Maxim Gorki theater in Berlin are four tigers in a cage. The caretaker is dressed like a Roman gladiator; his insignia refers to the European Union. In the background is a picture of Germany's President Joachim Gauck.

A huge poster shows a little girl asking her mother: "Why don't refugees just take a plane?" in reaction to the countless people who drown while crossing at sea or suffer trying to reach Europe on foot.

Against this setting, the group announced it was looking for refugees desperate enough to be ready to be devoured by those Libyan tigers. In a video, the activists claim that Angela Merkel and the German government, like a Roman emperor during a gladiatorial combat, have to power to stop this from happening with a simple thumbs-up gesture. [...]

The group claimed to have already found at least one refugee ready to be devoured and are recruiting more through the campaign's website. According to their plan, the volunteering refugees will only be thrown to the tigers if the charter flight is blocked by German authorities. One alternative destination for the flight would be Vatican City, which is outside the EU.

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